Plexiglass Clear 1mm Great for architectural models, modeling and prototypes. The laser cutting price are per linear meter. Follow the instructions to calculate the total length and cost here Select the laser cutting length to see the cost, or purchase the product only.
Plexiglass Clear 2mm thick. Great for architectural models, modeling and prototypes. The laser cutting price are per linear meter. Follow the instructions to calculate the total length and cost here Select the laser cutting length or purchase the product only
Plexiglass Clear 3mm thick You can buy only material or with laser cut/engrave. Follow the instructions to calculate the laser cut/engrave lengths here
You can buy only material or you can cut/engrave it. Contact us: info@monolithdesign.it
You can buy only material or you can cut/engrave it. Contact us: info@monolithdesign.it
You can buy only material or you can cut/engrave it. Contact us: info@monolithdesign.it
You can buy only material or you can cut/engrave it. Contact us: info@monolithdesign.it
You can buy only material or you can cut/engrave it. Contact us: info@monolithdesign.it
Dispositivi per la riduzione del rischio di contagio da coronavirusAdatto per banchi reception e scrivanie.Semplice da fissare - Facile da pulire Plexiglass di qualità certificataForo centrale e misure personalizzabiliI prezzi mostrati sono tasse incluse. Spedito in 2/3gg lavorativi + tempi di spedizione....